Discount Dumpster (Home & Garden) in Overland Park
Full information about Discount Dumpster in Overland Park: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Discount Dumpster on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Discount Dumpster:
, Overland Park, Kansas (KS), 66210
EditDiscount Dumpster opening hours:
Reviews about Discount Dumpster:
About Discount Dumpster:
We are a dumpster rental services company located in Overland Park.
With a focus on customer service from the moment you call, Discount Dumpster sets itself apart.
We help Overland Park contractors with large projects schedule their waste disposal far in advance in order to keep the job site moving forward.
Residential homeowners in Overland Park also like our service because we work within your budget and timeline to help with minor remodel or clean ups that arise. We have brought white glove service to the working glove industry.
Home & Garden nearest to Discount Dumpster:
Arnold`s Lawn & Garden Inc Overland Park, Home & Garden; 8006 Foster St, Overland Park, KS, 66204-3613; (913) 649-9464
Bob`s Patio Door Repair Overland Park, Home & Garden; 6721 W 80th St, Overland Park, KS, 66102; (913) 262-9552
Ethos Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Overland Park, Home & Garden; 9607 Walmer St., Overland Park, KS, 66212; (913) 205-1364
Stults Venable Sales Overland Park, Home & Garden; 8100 Marty St, Overland Park, KS, 66204-3737; (913) 381-9269